A standard cryptic.
Across: 1 on edge | GRAM rev + NAIL*, 6 juries | N(aiv)E in SLAP rev, 9 separate | DISTRICT with IN replacing RI, 10 festival | LLAMAS -L around M, 11 shortage | WATT -T around N, 12 intense | B LISTER + IN + G(et), 13 jazz musician | IBIS in VT, 15 signed | GUEST with U slipping right + RED, 17 Double definition, 19 occasion | PoRt Of MaPuTo, 20 no words can describe this piece of work | HOP* + TOES + SAY, 22 nativity prop | BIRC(h) rev, 23 went round holes | GOLD around FE, 24 marker | EX + MARINE*, 25 tough in Glasgow | LEEK rev + (d)IE(t), 26 stage | (SIMPLE TO)*.
Down: 2 a moving image? | IM in A NATION, 3 makes sense | G + O + TIT, 4 tiny machine | (TO BAN around ON) rev, 5 showing anger, perhaps | LETTING OFF + MATES*, 6 Double definition, 7 the best | MENU* (ON OUR)*, 8 take on board | LEAR + N, 14 Homophone, 16 desert, say | E + MP + TINES + S, 18 unsettled | (waterlo)O + VERDU(n) + E, 19 pounds behind this? | P(lug) AWAY* + LL, 21 scientist | HOOKER -R, 22 ridged effect | C P around RIM.